Mikki Noroila, Timon Mikki

Mikki Noroila (they/them) works between moving images and performing arts. Their recent artistic practice has focused on the politics of memory and marginalized histories from the perspective of family histories.

Selected Visual Arts
Yritin šuaha hänet kuvah onnakko hiän kato (2024)
Šulauvunnašta ta erošta (2022)
Borderlands’ counter-archive (2022)

Selected Performing Arts
SOFA (2023)
UNDERTONE Creative Associations: Traces of Imminence (2022)
TRACK: Human Resource 

Yritin šuaha hänet kuvah
onnakko hiän kato
of DocPoint’s National
Shorts Competition 4.-9.2.2025


UNDERTONE Creative Associations: Traces of Imminence

Site-specfic perfromance at Baltic Circle International Theatre Festival 2022, Helsinki
(performer & sound design)

UNDERTONE – Traces of Imminence focuses on the phenomenon of surveillance culture and totalitarianism sustained by man-made infrastructure. It reflects on how we manage our fellow species using technology. Combining experimental theatre, dance and installation, the performance takes the audience on an exploration into an imaginary reality that layers the temporalities of the past, present and future.

In the mystical reality of the performance, bodily spaces open up from personal views towards global dimensions. The performance opens up societal power structures and issues of oppression, making visible the structures that offer space and care for others, but at the same time put entire groups of people in a vulnerable position.

UNDERTONE Creative Associates
Eric Barco
Geoffrey Erista
Aju Jurvanen
Selma Kauppinen
Amita Kilumanga
Iris Laakso
Mikki Noroila